Plea Negotiations

Experts to Ensure Your Best Interest is Being Protected
Also known as Plea Bargains. The Prosecutor and Judge cannot possibly take every case to trial. Therefore, discussions occur between the Prosecutor and Defendants' attorney in an attempt to resolve most cases. An offer is made whereby the Defendant will receive a lesser sanction than a Sentence following a conviction at trial. Some Judges engage in making settlement offers as well.

Your lawyer can present specific reasons, known as mitigating circumstances, why the Prosecutor should be most reasonable. (A veteran lawyer will attempt to negotiate for a sanction which does not involve imprisonment and/or for no criminal conviction.) Weaknesses in the Prosecution case could be exposed and explanations developed during the defense investigation may be revealed to the Prosecutor to help get the best deal.

If the Prosecutor is willing to make a beneficial agreement, or if the risk of losing at trial is too great, a plea agreement may provide the best vehicle to resolve the case to the Client's satisfaction.

Jeffrey Feiler and The Feiler Law Firm truly care about you. Call us at 1-888-LAW-XCEL (888-529-9235) whenever you, a family member or friend needs legal representation during plea negotiations. Let us help you with your most difficult and serious legal problems.